I know you are curious about the new employees, but first I want to take a quick second to say thank you!
WC Insurance Solutions is growing because of YOU: loyal clients and your referrals! We do very little advertising to reach new clients. Our best advisement and COMPLIMENT is when you tell your friends and family about the great service you receive from our company! Remember, we are here to help you understand all options available to you considering Medicare coverage!
If you are new to Medicare or already enrolled... WC Insurance Solutions can help you, your family, and friends!
Anyways, let's get on with it - New Employees!
I knew I would get your attention, but I also can't help but brag on my team! I have been highlighting my "behind the scenes" team members on my social media pages. Check out the post "It takes a team"!
WC Insurance Solutions - Karinsa Tucker | Winchester IN | Facebook WC Insurance Solutions (@wc_insurance_solutions) | Instagram
But today I want to talk about my newest employees - Cole and Cade Tucker!!

LOL! Neither one of them wanted their picture taken, and they both would hate to know that I'm sharing about it online!
I am so PROUD! Both of them know I need help scanning and converting my files to digital copies! I didn't have to ask more than once. Not only is this teaching them about work ethic and time management, but also about supporting our family business!
Here is some insider information for my readers!
Do you remember when this business rebranded? We started out as Wellcare Insurance, LLC but due to multiple concerns we have transitioned to WC Insurance Solutions! Have you ever named a business? It's hard!! So of course, I asked my business mentor, friends, and family for feedback. It was when I asked Cole that it became clear.
I was debating between KT Insurance Solutions and WC Insurance Solutions. Cole said, "When I come to work in the family business, I don't want it to be 'KT'!!
So as much as this excites me, please know I'm raising both my boys to pursue their dreams! I would love nothing more than my boys to reside in Randolph County, live abundantly, and raise their families near me. But also know I will not stop them from leaving the county, state, or even country!
You probably won't see my boys when you come into the office. They are working after school and weekends. This is not only helpful for the business, but it's time together.
WC Insurance Solutions is here to HELP YOU, but I hope you also realize when you support this company you support my family!
WE are grateful for this business and love helping other people everyday!
I love that they are working for you! You are raising such good men and citizens. I know they will help so many in life! Just like their mother.